
a bit more

my name is spelled Léo, though is often pronounced like Leo. If you’re having trouble with it, it sounds like Layo.

Kinder Bueno and Reeces Pieces are my favorite candies.

I have seen the film Chef by Jon Favreau at least 30 times, and it will forever be my favorite film.

Atomic Habits was the first book I read cover to cover that wasn’t assigned for school. It changed my approach to life for the better and sparked a deep appreciation for reading.

In 5th grade I visited the NikeLab store in the Marais and it sparked my obsession of retail experiences and ingrained a firm belief in the value of physical spaces for customers to experience.

Settlers of Catan is a source of great joy and competition for myself and my roommates.

The re-introduction of carpentry to my high school in my junior year showed me what Product Design could be. That is what has set me down this path of making. Thank you Berkeley High and Mr. Wolpe.

Media I have enjoyed recently

updated 10/23/2021

The Choe Show - Episode 2
Popeye Magazine - issue 887
Warriors vs Lakers - Season Open
Cian Moores Instagram
Funeral - James Blake
Honky Cat - Elton John